To me, that’s a question we all need to address in 2008. We missionary-types tend to get branded occasionally as being “takers”. So the question is, how can we become givers, especially to those who give to make our relationship possible. Let’s say you come upon a website offering great reviews of electronics merchandise… say… like

You recognize that they offer quality reviews, plus links to purchase products at very affordable prices. You file it away in your browser’s “favorites” then go on about your work. So what I’m asking is… what if you shared that information with someone that has been helpful or encouraging to you… especially if it’s someone that you know is in the market for a new printer or router or monitor or stereo or PDA or camera or camcorder or scanner or phone or MP3 player. The secret is to always be thinking, “How can I go beyond being just a taker; how can I become a giver back to those around me and those afar?” So you share that one little site witht them, just in case they need it… and you make it clear that it’s not your site… just something you found and thought of them. It’s not much, but over time, it’ll send a message: a message that we’re looking out for others besides ourselves.

That’s our challenge in 2008.


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