Early in the life of assembling Brigada, we needed a way to handle all the little items and clips that come down the pike here. Clipmate came to the rescue — stripping out carriage returns, straightening out mixed case, removing leading or trailing spaces, etc. Now, years later, we still use it *daily* to assemble items, copy and place titles, prepare lists of tables of contents, and dozens of other uses. Recently, we asked Brigada participants how they manage the storm of details in life. We weren’t surprised that users like Bill wrote in to say, “Doug — I use Clipmate to keep track of thousands of illustrations, quotations, etc. for sermons & radio programs, photos, logos, and more. It has a word search that allows you to find everything in your collection on any subject instantly. It’s actually a clipboard extender with thousands of features – most of which I don’t use. I lost a hard drive and they allowed me to download again.” This is the clipboard that Microsoft wishes it would have invented. Try it first then buy it from Thornsoft Development at
