Today, I’d like to ask you to think with me about an issue that I’m convinced is at the core for many believers and non-believers alike. With believers, it nags at us from the inside out, while, with non-believers, it sometimes becomes a perceived barrier that can stand so tall, it can be large enough to keep them from wanting to enter the Kingdom. For the sake of getting on the same page, please read Psalm 10. Listen deeply and closely to the Psalmist’s questions there. They first of all relate directly to his context – his situation. He asks deep questions such as, “Why in the world do these bad guys go off unpunished, while the people they hurt face suffering?”


In a broader context, these issues also imply something just as critical: Real men (and women) of God, like David, are still human. They have doubts. They sometimes have questions — even about God’s decisions. But at the same time, like David, real men and women of God keep following Him, in the meantime.


For the missionary, this translates into trying to learn what kind of force is needed to move a particular tribe, caste, or kindred closer to acceptance of God’s Good News. For you, it might mean sitting down at the supper table to a deep conversation about “good and evil” with your teenage son. You see, it only takes a quick visit to Wikipedia to find dozens of writers and opinions about these weighty questions. But one thing is certain: If we’re to believe Hebrews 11:1, we know with certainty that faith is having confidence in what we hope for and assurance in what we can’t see. So — at the end of the day, even if I can’t quite figure out the problem of good and evil, I have chosen to believe that there is a solution — and God will reveal it to us, if not before, at least at the end of time.


How ’bout you? What deep, heart-felt questions are *you* facing regarding God? And which problems, biblical or otherwise, seem to bother you most. Leave your message below in a “Comment” box. Feel free to answer anonymously if you’d like. Who knows; Talking about it among the Brigada community might be just what you need!


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