Get this: Pray4Tunisia now has over 40,000 who are praying daily for the requests sent by e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, etc. God is raising up an army of intercessors for this country and her people. Check out this prayer movement at


Consider joining if you haven’t yet. Eric, a great friend of Brigada and a hard worker at Team Expansion, wrote this past week, “I just received my Thanks for Praying for 1 year with us! E-mail of gratitude and congratulations from them.


I really enjoy praying for this country and her peoples because the prayer requests have been well thought through and are in alignment with the 10 fruitful practices and disciplines of church multiplication movements.


I know they have plans to now add Portuguese as one of the languages of the site. AND soon they will be announcing a new application for your i-phones and androids regarding even more intense prayer opportunities for what God is doing!