I asked Greg, our I.T. guy at Team Expansion, if he had any good recommendations for sharing files securely across the miles. Without hesitation, he referred me to SpiderOak…




After trying it out, I can see why. It’s the simplest, most secure file-sharing solution I’ve ever seen. What’s more, you can also use it like Dropbox, only it’s more secure than that as well. (Dropbox doesn’t give you https: secure sockets encryption; SpiderOak does.) When I say “use it like Dropbox,” I mean — you and your teammate can keep file “in sync” across the miles, transparently and without delay. Finally, if you’ve heard of those online backup services like Carbonite, it’ll work for that too. Amazing. Give it a try. No referral fee here. Just one beggar telling another where to find bread. This is such a great find, we’re currently studying it to see if it would work as a full-out document-sharing solution for our entire organization, too. It was such a promising find, we thought it was worth mentioning here in the Back Page. Try it. It’ll surprise you.