I’m traveling this week in the 4th-most dangerous country in the world for traffic fatalities, as tabulated by our good friends at the World Health Organization (Who???). (See their report at

http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2009/9789241563840_eng.pdf )

The thing is, when you’re riding in it, you don’t really notice it being all that bad. (Is that something like saying, “Yes, but it’s a dry heat.”) I guess we don’t really notice it being that bad until a bus plows into the side of the SUV in which we’re riding, you know?

So I figured it’s worth asking… What’s YOUR greatest fear???? What haunting concern causes you to toss and turn sometimes at night. If you’re ashamed to admit that you’re anxious about it, comment anonymously. It’s easy! Just click “Comment” below. Thanks in advance for sharing the thing that causes you the most angst.
