WebCompiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion. Brigada online has more graphics and links at https://brigada.org . Your gift to Brigada will help get motivation, resources, and news/trends out to thousands of Christian workers throughout the globe on a weekly basis.

In this issue…

1) Would you be one of the 70? (to send a $100 gift to Brigada)
2) The next annual meeting of the Canadian Chapter of the Evangelical
3) Indigitous Bangalore Conference To Focus On The Unreached
4) Get Helpful Guidance for Sharing Christ in these 3-minute Videos
5) How do we Reverse the Decline of Cultural Christianity in the West?
6) Countries Who Stole Christmas
7) British Airways Now Offering a Course on Surviving Emergencies
8) Is My country Experiencing More? … or Less Terrorism today?
9) If You’re Into Global Mental Health, Bookmark this Site
10) “Seeing Your World” Helps Clarify our Vision
11) How Did You and Your Team Spend New Year’s Eve?
12) Idea: Copy & Paste this Text to Your Church or Mission Team
13) We Give Thanks for …
14) The BackPage: Final Set of Missional Videos
15) Closing Stuff