thank-youThrough the kind generosity of literally scores of Brigada readers, partners, and friends, we’re propelled into 2015 with $13,924.33. Although some might be quick to point out that this is short of our total year’s budget of $17,120, we take a lot of heart from this outcome. You see, we send Brigada free of charge each week because, to us, it’s a labor of love. Sure it’s great to have help in paying the bills, but we’re not blind to the fact that our thousands of readers would continue to receive this service even if they sent nothing. So every single dollar is a gift of love — and we promise never to forget that. Besides, just because we won’t ask again until November, it doesn’t stop you from giving toward 2015 — and any gifts after this edition will, by the way, give us a great boost into 2015 budget year. So thank you… and God bless every reader of Brigada!