praying pewDoes this challenge the edges of your faith?

But stop and think: What did Jesus tell us to do in Matthew 5:44? ” But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” The next verse tells us why: So that we can be “sons of our Father.”

I have to admit: This stretches me. There’s so much of me that wants to seek vengeance. And the truth is, if I had a chance to intervene so I could prevent a senseless beheading, I’m convinced I would. But this prayer site makes me think: Have we really prayed that God would change the hearts of these killers? If we haven’t, why not? Hats off to Mike and all those who are calling us back to such prayers. Thank you.

What’s your view? Is it tough for you to pray for love to reign in the hearts of ISIS killers? Just click “Comment” below to go to the web version of this item. Thanks in advance for sharing your opinion.