Last week, we were grousing about a recent blog entry by a missions minister who, in our opinion, seemed to use faulty logic and poor missiology (APPARENTLY) in an effort to dismiss the need to reach unreached people groups and cities. His main point? He figured unreached people were soooo “70’s.” “Nowadays, we should just let God do the calling.” We complained that he seemed to be forgetting about the “one lost sheep” in Luke 15. We grumbled that, if no one talks about the “lost or unengaged people and cities,” it will LOOK like God is just calling people to those who have already heard — because we just don’t HEAR about the “lost” people or cities — because nobody is there to talk about them.

We were thankful for several comments to last week’s item. Neal Pirolo wrote, “What an eye-opener! Would to God that every church would ‘wake up’ to the reality of Internationals Among Us! AND, do something about it! ‘Our’ mosque is less than one mile away! Our attitude has changed from ‘How in the world could that church have sold the property for their sanctuary to a group of men wanting to build a mosque’ to daily prayer as I drive by AND attending their prayers several times with a friend who is developing a relationship with the imam.” Well said, Neal.

Millard asked, “Did you copy your Brigada response to this uninformed pastor via his blog so he can respond to you? Even if it is not his own blog, perhaps your comments could help others on whatever blog that is.” Well said, Millard. We’ll do it.

One reader simply said, “Thanks for speaking up for those who don’t read Brigada — because they don’t care about the Great Commission yet.”

Maybe it’s time to ask you — if you’re involved in focusing on unreached and/or unengaged peoples, cities, or places where Christ’s name is not yet known, why do YOU go? Why do YOU send? What’s YOUR reasoning? Please click “Comment” following the web version of this item.