Imagine personally speaking to an American doctor while you’re anywhere in the world, within 20 minutes of placing a request for an “office visit”! But not only is it an actual fact, it’s also affordable, time-zone independent, and includes video chat if you desire. Calls to a doctor can be made from anywhere in the world, at any time of day, any day of the year, using a telephone or laptop. There’s no co-pay, no per-visit charge. It’s like pre-paid doctor visits, for a low monthly membership of $29, which includes the member and up to 5 dependents. Doctors can even call in prescriptions to the pharmacy most convenient to your location (US pharmacies only).

In partnership with MDLive, you’ll be using their existing network of thousands of doctors, all board-certified, with an average of 15 years medical experience. (By the way — they’ve told us they’ll make a gift to Brigada for every new person who signs up — which would be awesome. But we’re mentioning the program because it sounds really helpful, especially to those far from a ‘normal’ doctor’s care.) As soon as you register for this service at this link, you can activate your membership and request an appointment. The appointment can be as soon as 20 minutes, or you can schedule it for a day or more in advance. To get started, go to

This program does not satisfy Obamacare requirements, but it’s a very affordable adjunct. (Thanks to this effort, which just made a $100 gift to Brigada to push this item to the top of the Brigada queue.)