Wherever you live, the question is the same: Have neighborhood churches been rising or falling? In your homeland? … abroad? We found it interesting that the CEO of Lifeway published (in his private blog) that he believed neighborhood churches were now on the rise. (#6 in his post at http://mychristiandaily.com/the-ten-crucial-church-trends-for-2018/ ) If he’s right, this could bode well for “simple churches” on a global scale. Where are you on the whole question of the neighborhood church? If one existed, would you attend? (And would you prefer you lived in a different neighborhood? If so, why?) Can you see yourself starting a “simple church” in your neighborhood? The curriculum at


is kind of designed to help you do that. Would you consider trying just the 9 basic streamed sessions? (Note: You really need a group of 4-12 to tackle the course correctly.) Please click “Comment” following this post on the web or in the app. Thanks!