Zume is the Greek word for yeast. And the Zume Project is an online tool designed to help you (and others) become yeast in your church, your group, your neighborhood, and the world. The tools help you learn what it’s like to become a disciple worth multiplying by learning, obeying, training, and sharing with others. In short, it’s an online course that helps you learn to become and multiply disciples. And it’s free! That’s what was most amazing about what happened this past month when, with very little fanfare (humbly, as seems to be their custom), Zume Project just went live with their first foreign language: Farsi. If you go to


and use the drop-down menu upper right (click on the word “English” with the drop-down arrow beside it), you’ll find a short list of languages available: two. The second language, recognizable to those who read it, is Farsi. Give it a try. The entire site… all the video graphics, all the audio tracks, all the resources, the guidebook, everything magically transforms to Farsi. I asked a couple of friends in Texas to help me find some Farsi believers (in the USA or overseas) to test it, just to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. A Farsi pastor in Europe wrote me some time later. The leadership of the congregation he leads had gone through the entire course together and they were GIDDY. They have now determined to take all the members of all the congregations in their network through the course. Can you imagine? Imagine what this will be like by year’s end when, if the Zume leadership team has its way, members of the world’s top 36 languages can do the same. Can’t WAIT to see that short list grow. Well done Zume Leadership!