Suppose you’re making and multiplying disciples in Spanish and you’d love to do a live training. What do you use? Until now, maybe you just pulled together plenty of notes you’ve made of all your sessions. But why cobble something together when a team of DMM practitioners has done it for you already. Take a look at Jonathan Training in Spanish. It’s called “Entrenamiento Jonathán.” It’s all about Movilizando Movimientos: Discípulos Que Hacen Discípulos, Obreros Que Multiplican Obreros E Iglesias Que Multiplican Iglesias.” Find the student version here:


and the facilitator’s version here:


We’re DEEPLY indebted to men like Curtis Sergeant, Eric B., David L., as well as disciple-makers in Caracas, Venezuela (including Julio in particular) for creating this manual. The amazing thing is — they’re now sharing it with us for free! Mil gracias a todos!