Many books are available for people returning to their passport country after serving in other cultures for several years.  Although many more people return after short-term service after short term service of a few weeks or months, few books are available for them even though the issues are often very different.  Written for people returning to their passport country after a few weeks or months of missionary service, this book helps them not only reenter but also consider how they have changed and what that implies for their future. Using Jonah and Paul as examples, it also helps them process the good and bad events that occurred. This book is available to download free of charge as .doc, .pdf, or .zip files for your computer and as .mobi or .epub files for your Kindle or Nook. You can’t beat the price. Find it at…


(We’re so grateful to those who prepare materials like this for cross-cultural servants! Hats off to Ron and all those who help him make this happen.)