Brigada – 2024-03-31

5) International Wholistic Missions Conference 2018

The International Wholistic Missions Conference tries to connect, educate, and equip churches and organizations for integral ministries that transform lives, families, and communities through the power of the Gospel of Jesus. They value integration & wholism, local ownership, participatory learning, reproducible strategies, servant leadership, and sustainable development. It’s scheduled for May 1-3 at Grand Canyon University Phoenix, AZ. Learn more and register here:

6) New Book: A Christian Reads the Qur’an

In James Wright’s new book, A Christian Reads the Qur’an, he takes a rather direct approach (as one reviewer has said): As a Christian, he thoughtfully reads the Qur’an. Then he speaks to Muslims with “candor and directness.” One reviewer observed, “The book is disarming in its honesty.” Learn more here:

7) 2018 Disaster Ministry Conference

The Disaster Ministry Conference, presented by Wheaton College’s Humanitarian Disaster Institute, equips church & lay leaders to serve amid disasters domestically and internationally. The event features global leaders in disaster ministry, emergency management, humanitarian aid, public health, and mental health fields. Participants will gain new knowledge, skills, and networks for effectively engaging and responding to disasters and the justice issues that surround them. Learn more and register at

9) What do YOU think of These Three Verses from the Quran?

David Wood has a website, Answering Muslims.

What do you think of the points he makes in this video?

Of particular interest is Surah 9:29. Whoa. How have we never seen this surah before. “Fight those” who are “People of the book” (Jews and Christians). Do you really agree with David Wood that Muslims are commanded in this verse to fight those who don’t agree with them? How does it ever make sense in today’s world for 1.6 billion people to hold on to a religion which instructs them, once they are a majority in any region, to start fighting those who don’t embrace their cause? I’ve known MANY Muslims who treated me with great respect. Were they just choosing to disobey Allah on this verse then?

10) Is Groups.IO the new ?

When Brigada first formed, back in 1995, we relied heavily on a group called CrossConnect for our first few years of life. (And by the way, we owe them a huge debt of gratitude for the internet education they gave us. To a large extent, our format is what it is because of them. They argued heavily — and effectively — for being “kind” to the internet. They suggested clean emails with few, if any, ads. They minimized pictures and maximized content. They taught careful links. So much more. Thank you CrossConnect!)

Next, we transitioned to, then we spent a few years in oblivion using tools like GoogleGroups and YahooGroups. Transitioning over to MailChimp as our primary sending service didn’t happen until relatively recently. We finally concluded that, although it was expensive, it was more dependable and we valued the reliability factor more than the money.

Recently, we’ve been watching the growth of Will it become the new eGroups? (Will it serve as a greenhouse for a new forum while it grows and acquires stability?) What’s your take on Groups.IO? It looks free and we can’t see a downside for those who are starting. Please click “Comment” following the web or app version of this item and share your experience with the service, if you have any.

11) Facebook: Fallen from Grace (If they ever had any?)

Did Facebook ever enjoy any favor from those who understand the web? Likely not. Ask the I.T. guy at your company or organization. Odds are, if he’s on Facebook, he’s very careful. The greater likelihood is — he’s not. Maybe his WIFE is — for the kids and grandparents. But likely, he shuns and even avoids it.

Do a search, “security problems with Facebook” and you’ll likely see nearly 100 million results. Articles from major news sources will probably abound with titles like, “Five Hidden Dangers of Facebook.”

So why in the world are we shocked when we (suddenly? uhhh… anything but suddenly) learn that millions of users’ personal information has been scraped (or sold?) to non-approved buyers? People have been scraping Facebook for years. Yet, “suddenly” the public is outraged? Hello.

On nearly EVERY overseas trip we make, we ask (one by one) each participant, “Please don’t post any picture or any words that tell where you are and what you’re doing. Please don’t take pictures of group members or locals without asking their permission and if you DO post something, please wait until after the trip and then, if you choose to post, only tell GENERAL things about the GENERAL region you visited.” But better not to post at all.

These “check-in” posts… “Doug is checking in in Warsaw” have bothered me forever. I always think, “OK, now everyone knows they can break into my house?” It’s crazy.

Our I.T. guy seems to get smarter every day. : )

What’s YOUR opinion about social networking? Click comment. But please feel free to make the comment anonymously. : )

12) Do You See a Rise in Neighborhood Churches, at Home/Abroad?

Wherever you live, the question is the same: Have neighborhood churches been rising or falling? In your homeland? … abroad? We found it interesting that the CEO of Lifeway published (in his private blog) that he believed neighborhood churches were now on the rise. (#6 in his post at ) If he’s right, this could bode well for “simple churches” on a global scale. Where are you on the whole question of the neighborhood church? If one existed, would you attend? (And would you prefer you lived in a different neighborhood? If so, why?) Can you see yourself starting a “simple church” in your neighborhood? The curriculum at

is kind of designed to help you do that. Would you consider trying just the 9 basic streamed sessions? (Note: You really need a group of 4-12 to tackle the course correctly.) Please click “Comment” following this post on the web or in the app. Thanks!

13) We’re Grateful for…

… the $100 from Mission Network. They’ve blessed Brigada on a monthly basis because they believe in the mission (and the Great Commission). Would you like to join them? If so, just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ by writing a check to Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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