Brigada participant, David, is looking for a book in print (one or two) that would do a good job addressing these six topics in a missions context?:

*** Learn the biblical basis of world-wide evangelism, including the nature of God, the nature of man, and the biblical requirements of evangelism.

*** Grasp various principles of cross-cultural evangelism, including methods, principles, and practice from various cultures and countries.

*** Become familiar with the advantages of having a Bible in your mother tongue and what is necessary to reach that goal.

*** Beware of the opposition of Satan and how to have victory. This includes counterfeit religions and philosophies, persecution, and discouragement and opposition personally.

*** Grasp the character and practices necessary for success, including spiritual discipline, biblical study, walking in the Spirit, and prayer.

*** Determine to have an effective multiplying ministry with training of nationals and outline of the principles of a “people movement.”

If you can help with a book or two that might address one or all these topics, please leave a note at

by clicking on “Comment” below the item.