In a day and age when many missionaries are retiring (having gone out at the conclusion of WWII), it would seem more and more important to understand the headwaters of new mission recruitment. So… where do you get yours? Are you and your agency the type that recruits mostly from colleges & universities? … or do you find yourself more often than not in seminaries and Bible colleges? … or, truth be known, you very much just as soon spend time in local churches and home meetings?
And what themes seem most effective among your recruitment staffers today? Are you more likely to talk about Bible mandates? … or do you find that today’s prospective recruits respond most often to information about global *need*? Or do you follow a different track? Join the discussion. Just click “comments” below and weigh in. Let’s make this a virtual resource for our recruitment staffs. Thank you, in advance, for helping us all learn more “what works!”