I always tell my kids, “If you want Ferrari performance, you better power up your engine with high octane fuel.” How do you power up your own personal engine? You decide, but I’ll tell you what works for me. No matter where I am in the world, I make sure I have breakfast food with me. I never miss. Maybe it’s a granola bar from home and a banana from the local market. Or maybe it’s a bowl of some kind of bran cereal with “a box of milk.” Either way, I think it’s the most important meal of the day. If I miss breakfast, however, I roll with the flow and just pick up when I can. No worries. In general, when traveling, I like to avoid any food that hasn’t been peeled, washed in a safe way, and/or cooked. That means most leafy salads are off-limits for me. They just trap too many impurities in the crevices of all those leaves. In fact, I stay away from any foods with crevices. I also avoid sauces and dressings that might have picked up impurities from setting out too long. I carry a very small bottle of hand sanitizer with me to “wash up” before handling any foods with my hands or before I touch my eyes. I make sure I know how much sleep I need — then I get it as best I can. Know yourself and your limitations, then stick to them. You’ll do no good for anyone else in the world if you get amoebic dysentery. At the same time, I try not to become obsessive-compulsive (O.C.) about the whole thing. After all, we are in God’s service, we are in the work of making disciples of all nations, so he’s promised he’ll be *with* us. What safer place on earth can one imagine? :-)