Hats off to long-time Brigada reader, Stan Nussbaum, for writing this past week, “Here’s a possible item for your New Years issue of Brigada — some new words to Auld Lang Syne. For more details see




or join the Facebook group, ‘Celebrating the Messianic Year.’ New Years is a blown opportunity in most churches, hiding in the shadow of Christmas and slipping by us.”


(Note: That URL above will likely ‘wrap.’ If you have trouble reassembling it, just navigate, using the link below, to this item in Brigada Today. We’ll make sure it works there.)


Let This be the Year!

(Stan Nussbaum, based on Rev. 22:17. Tune: “Auld Lang Syne”)


Let all our false hopes be forgot

And never brought to mind.

The messianic age has dawned

And this is its sure sign—


Messiah reigns in us, my friends,

His Spirit lives in here. [hands over heart]

So come, Lord Jesus, reign on earth, [arms open]

And let this be the year!


Yes, let this be the year, O Lord,

The Messianic Year.

Your kingdom come, your will be done. [arms raised]

Please, let this be the year!


(copyright 2010 Stan Nussbaum. Non-profit reproduction permitted.)


How ’bout that! Stan, thanks a bundle for sharing from your storehouse of words, research, and meaning!