Edited by Doug Lucas; Published by Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at https://brigada.org

In this issue…
1) What will China Do with the Rise of Religion?
2) Abundaculture Can Help you Share Life, Relationships, and Jesus
3) How do You Respond when a Recruit Rises in a Local Church?
4) Your Favorite Bible Study Guide or Course?
5) Morton Security Solutions is launching a new Travel Risk Management
6) Is there a Course Like “Encountering the World of Hinduism?”
7) Beautiful Photography, Heavy Burden
8) Another Brigada “Blank” for Certain Readers
9) 30DaysAfterCamp Features Unreached Peoples Emphasis
10) Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills Workshop in Portland
11) EdenRidge Missionary Retreat Center
12) Learn to Be a Missionary-Journalist [New Book]
13) We Give Praise to God for…
14) The BackPage: Search and Replicate
15) Closing Stuff