Brigada has been absolutely free since its start-up in 1995. Every week, you receive a simple email with 15 or so items. Those items focus on information, resources, and trends about the Great Commission (and those fulfilling it). Admittedly (and kind of unashamedly), it’s kind of an eclectic (and sometimes quirky?) assortment of items. (Another way of saying it: We cover somewhat of a wide berth.) One item might hook you up with a cool new two-minute video about fulfilling the Great Commission and suddenly, before you know it, you’re being reminded to take a brown extension cord on your next mission trip? (What?) Someone will share the latest about a new mission retreat, conference, book, or song, and then, here will be a thought piece on computer security (and how, hopefully, to achieve it). Just when you think you’ve figured out Brigada (and you’re learning about Hinduism at a new website you saw in item 11), you’ll see a missions-oriented homeschooling resource in item 12. And of course, Brigada will be thanking someone for sending in a $100 donation in item 13. And you go, “What IS this?” But see, that’s part of the magic of Brigada. We never seem to take ourselves SO seriously that we can’t mention — an animated population map, or a new smartphone app that you can use to communicate with supporters. In fact, we are almost PURPOSELY diverse — because that’s our audience. In a not-so-long-ago study, one researcher found that literally thousands of our readers came from virtually all over the Global South — while thousands more come from Europe and North America. Plus, our archives (our weekly Brigada editions all the way back to the beginning of 1995) are completely free. You don’t have to register, you don’t need a cell phone, there’s no facial recognition, and no one will call. And guess what: there are no flashing ads on our landing page — or any other page. We don’t even feature Google ads!

So what IS Brigada? It’s you… and thousands like you from all over the world. That’s why you (and your peers) can throw out a question asking for the latest this or that — and then (hopefully) see answers from someone in the comments that follow. Brigada isn’t a person or a thing. It’s a family. And we’re glad you’re part of it!